Sing Core is proud to be able to offer the latest significant improvement the slatwall industry by supplying lightweight slatwall panels that quickly and easily interlock in a variety of configurations. All slatwall display components easily interlock with each other in a number of positions, so yout you’re not locked in to a specific design or trade show booth design, while hosting slatwall slots at 6 inch intervals (as shown).
Sing slatwall panels are unlike panels provided by other slatwall manufacturers because they have patented Sing Core inside, which imbues their slat wall system with unique characteristics such as being extremely lightweight (traditional slat wall can be very heavy in weight) and high strength (most slatwall is not very rigid or strong, yet Sing slatwall have been rated at 660 PSI), insulated (providing sound deadening capabilities), and are easily interconnected to each other (via high strength cam locks) not requiring tools (only an Allen wrench) or skilled labor to build or knock down.
Modular Slatwall Display
The modular slatwall display offered by Sing Core is lightweight and flexible allowing you to own your own high end slatwall system that can be reconfigured into a variety of ways allowing you, the owner, to modify your slatwall display at will. All of the modular slatwall display components are designed in such a way as to give you complete control over the functionality and appearance of your slatwall display systems.
Expandable Slatwall Displays
As your business grows, so can your slatwall displays. No longer are you locked in to a particular layout or design, because if you had a 10×10 trade show display at the last show, and are thinking about doubling up for a 10×20 trade show booth for the next show, all you need to do is to order the extra pieces to accommodate your new 10×20 trade show booth designs. No other slat wall system is so Eco-friendly and easier to modify, even mid-show, if you so desire.
Wood Slat Wall
Custom built Sing lightweight, high-strength slat wall can be manufactured to the highest standards with reverence to mother earth and constructed out of any flat natural wood material (default standard is white Formica). Most popular wood slat walls are those made of birch, maple and cherry woods.
Birch Slatwall ~ Maple Slatwall ~ Cherry Slatwall
Other Slat Wall Surfaces
We build custom slatwall panels to your architectural specifications, which could include any available flat building material surface, like any natural wood, veneer, fiberglass (FRP), Formica, MDF, LVL, whatever you want. Contact us for a Custom Slatwall Trade Show Price Quote.
Natural Wood Slatwall ~ Wood Veneer Slatwall ~ Fiberglass Slatwall ~ Formica Slatwall ~ MDF Slatwall ~ LVL Slatwall
Slatwall Trade Show Displays
More and more vendors at trade shows throughout the United States and around the world are using Sing modular slatwall displays to showcase their wares in a convenient and recognizable format using standard slatwall display hardware.
Slatwall trade show displays are on the rise, and with Sing slatwall panels being so lightweight and strong, you can easily transport, manage and store your Sing slatwall panels. The most portable slatwall display system in the world.