As a reputable hardware supplier you know how to judge what is the best door and you might know some door manufacturers who could use patented Sing Core.


We have a friend in the door industry who is a friendly competitor. He refers some of his most respected high-end clients to us for some challenging large door jobs.

We respect his endorsement and make sure that we take care of his customer and are respectful of his generosity. He earns the trust from his long time customers by providing the best solution for them instead just making a sale which might not the best interest of his customer. This is a perfect example of people in our door industry that have high integrity.

We need your help to introduce this new technology to your friends and would be honored to give your clients those same high-end results by delivering the goods, especially in the areas of lightweight solutions and true flat sliding doors, pocket doors or any type of large flat door of any size that will stay flat for years to come.

Sing core has worked with most sophisticated millworks and door manufacturers to help them build true flat doors that stay flat for years to come. See our Clients List

Google image search lightweight, high strength, true flat door to view possible solutions.

We’d like to send you a sample for your examination, or exchange links with your company.

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