With the growing number of users who can now obtain Sing Core through their local distributors, we now offer you educational resources online because we desire to see you be as successful as our high-end clientele. We think that you will discover, as they have, that Sing Core is by far the best lightweight, high strength, fully insulated core material in the world.

Here you will find the tools, tips, and techniques that will help you maximize your efforts using Sing Sandwich Core.

Free How to Build eBook

We are offering you our book, How to Use Sing Torsion Box Composite Sandwich Panels to Build Endless Products, in downloadable eBook format

How to Use Sing Sandwich

The introduction basic tutorial on to how to use sing sandwich as substrate core material.

Why and How to Use Sing Sandwich Core

Sing Sandwich Panel provides the wood worker with pre-built torsion box at an affordable price.

Sing Sandwich Closing the Edge

Sing Sandwich has Sing Core exposed on the edge. This is normal and rudimentary for millworks and the high end developers…


How to


You Have Questions?

If you have already obtained Sing Sandwich Core from your local distributor and have questions about how to use it, please post them before and check back here. It is our intention to answer your question on this page. These questions and answers make the Sing Core experience better for everyone.

Thank you for your support.

PS: Please respect that we do not have customer support set up for consumers, but in the interim, please feel free to post your questions below and we will try to answer them here the best we can.

Thank you,

-Sing Core