Revolutionary Garage Doors

This new generation of garage and barn doors features groundbreaking technology allowing garage door designers and engineers to reimagine their garage door possibilities exponentially by using new garage door panel surface materials for evolutionary wooden, fiberglass, HPL, aluminum, or other metal garage doors. One of the primary reasons why Sing Core is the ideal choice […]

Beauty is Beyond Skin Deep

If you were to kick a Singcore door panel you would break your leg before you could break the door. “Peter Sing, Owner and inventor of SingCore” High traffic areas are perfect for a lightweight Singcore door . You get a Singcore door without the weight of a hollow metal and with the highest precision. […]

Sing Core at the University of Utah

The University of Utah is the state’s flagship institution of higher education, with 18 schools and colleges, more than 100 undergraduate and 90 graduate degree programs, and an enrollment of more than 32,000 students. Recently the university has taken a step forward in spiritual care at the University of Utah Hospital, with an Infinity Chapel […]

Revolutionary Exterior Doors

Sing Core is the only door manufacturer that can create aluminum doors that are true flat over long spans, and will not warp, twist or experience extreme deflection under stress. And, thanks to the lightweight properties in comparison to other solid materials available, Sing Core aluminum doors are lightweight, causing less strain on the structure […]

Oversized Sliding Doors

Building oversized doors are one of the most challenging projects in the door industry. The larger the door, the more likely it is to warp, the more difficult it is to handle, the more expensive the process becomes. Sing Core has the technology you need to build the best oversized door that is structurally guaranteed […]

Lifespan of Sing Core Panels

The Lifespan of a Sing Core Panel Sing Core panels are strong, lightweight, and built to last, but people often wonder how long they can expect their Sing Core panel to hold up? Whether you use Sing Core for doors, walls, or any other creative purpose, you can trust our product to stand the test […]

Being Eco-Friendly at Sing Core

Sing Core’s Eco-Friendly Design Here at Sing Core, we strive to leave the Earth better than we found it. That philosophy drives our material sourcing, production methods, and many more aspects about how we run as a company. Eco-Friendly Sourcing When it comes to our wood, insulation, and other materials, we source them from the […]

Sing Core for Sound Isolation

Why Do You Need Sound Isolation? Sound isolation is an important feature for many applications, primarily those where a room or area needs to be absolutely silent, with no background noise from the nearby areas. Sound studios, recording booths, conference rooms, and more often require or are greatly enhanced with sound isolation. In addition, if […]

The Sing Core Sliding Door Revolution

Sing Core Sliding Door Revolution Sliding Doors are taking over the industry. We recently updated the Sliding Door page on our website as part of an effort to keep things updated and more accessible to you, the reader, but also to go over why we believe Sing Core is the best choice for your large […]