It takes two or three incomes to support a healthy loving family home in the world today. How is that even possible, especially right now in these most uncertain economic times? Oh, maybe you could house people in giant warehouses, but not during the pandemic. Now what?

People are not cattle and Americans should not be treated like livestock. We need to treat people with dignity in America and everyone should be able to have a dignified place to live. And I’m not talking about the homeless in America, yes, we need to help them to, but I’m talking about hard working parents working multiple jobs to take care of the family who live in their cars, vans, or broken-down RVs, because it’s just too expensive to rent a decent place to live and work for a living. What kind of life is that?

There is no doubt that our metro-areas are already maxed out of available living space, and the space that is available is far more than the average wage-earner can pay. You might be able to find a reasonably priced rental out in the country, but now how are you pay for a 2-hour commute to and from work every day?
The answer to save struggling Americans starts right here. In our own back yard.
According to Inventor Peter Sing, “The answer to save struggling Americans starts right here. In our own back yards.” New trends in zoning are in the process of changing as you read these words and it was not long ago that it was nearly impossible to add a mother-in-law home, carriage house, cottage, or casita to your single dwelling property. Those times are changing.

Enter the ADU
The trend of allowing an Accessory Dwelling Unit or ADU to be built onto your existing property is sweeping from Pacific and Atlantic coasts across the nation, which is the answer to our affordable housing crisis in the USA, if we seize this opportunity and work together.
This is an incredible opportunity for homeowners who are currently struggling to make their current mortgage payments while supporting their families. Adding a moderately-sized ADU top the back yard could make all the difference. And the homeowner can leverage his or her equity so that the initial startup cost is not a burden on the family, and the extra income from the rental of the ADU to someone who really needs it, could be life-changing to both families.

Sing is willing to contribute his patented building material which until now has been only available to the rich and famous. He has created a patented panelized building material which can be used to create huge sliding doors, walls, or complete structures of enormous size quickly and easily that, frankly, do not fail.
His patented structure material produces a large flat area that is fully insulated, lightweight, stronger than steel, and will not warp, bend, twist or otherwise fail for 50 years. His factory, located in a secluded area in Washington State, supplies the wealthiest people, military, and science and technology industries, and large door builders with the material that brings otherwise impossible projects to life.

Noteworthy: Large doors built with Sing’s patented and patent-pending technologies are the only large doors in the world backed by his 50-year warp-free guarantee. And according to his elite clientele, “There is no other way to do it.”
Who can afford it?
Sing’s only concern about his product is, “Who can afford it?” Yes, if you are fully funded science project doing work in some remote location, or you’re creating something for use in outer space or beneath the ocean, you are a Fortune 500 corporation, or a billionaire, cost doesn’t really matter, but to the average contractor or budget of an average construction project, Sing’s technologies may add stress to an already tight budget.

Sing would rather see his invention be placed into the hands of the people, the people in America who can take advantage of the opportunity to allow hardworking people to live lives of dignity in a safe and secure environment, helping to answer the call of the need of those seeking to incorporate ADU housing to their properties quickly and easily.
Thanks to Sing’s exclusive clients, he is creating his own subsidy program to offer discounts and incentives for those building ADU projects, making it practical and affordable to utilize Sing’s technologies. He would also like to create opportunities to
Put Americans to Work

He envisions seeing a husband-and-wife team being able to assemble modular Sing ADU components which can be assembled in various configurations as necessary in their local areas. In this scenario, Sing would ship the materials to the crowd manufacturers, who would assemble build each section.
Teams located across America will provide roughing, plumbing, electric, and add the toilet, kitchen countertop, and the homeowner adds the appliances following installation on the property.

The Sing ADU Core
The base of Sing’s ADU is the power core of the structure, it is pre-fitted with kitchen and bathroom, around which all the other living space modules are added, in whatever configurations best suits your project. Telescope out to the sides, front or back, or periscope up several stories high. The lightweight and superior strength of Sing’s material empowers visionaries with many options that would not be conceivable with conventional construction methods.
The ADU core kitchen/bathroom is basically a modular box, to which you affix other boxes to represent the additional living space in any configuration you desire. The more people in the family, the more boxes you add.

Built to Last
Unlike trailers and modular homes which deteriorate rapidly over time requiring continued repairs and maintenance, remember, this is the same material used by billionaires that you can have in your own back yard and is fully
Guaranteed to Last 50 Years
And it is the only lightweight building material that can be guaranteed to remain warp-free for 50 years.

Making a Better World
Sing wants to contribute to the global community by making his material available, he is willing to have his company, Sing Core, partner with you, craftspeople in your neighborhood, builders, contractors, and bankers in your area to bring this through to fruition for a better world for this and future generations.

Just say, “No,” to paper-thin temporary structures, trailers, or RVs to expect people to live in, which will quickly deteriorate and will become an eye-sore later.

Let this ADU structure stand as a monument for years to support the strength of the family as we rebound through these unprecedented times. A structure that will stand the test of time, and not deteriorate and crumble, as America may do, if we don’t work together.
Inventor Peter Sing says,
“I want to hear from you.”
How can we best help you with the resources that we have?
How can we help you and this ADU movement grow?
Have you built a Tiny House?

You might be just the type of person we are looking for to help us move this ADU project to the next level. Sing says, “Please contact me and show me what you did. You might be just the right person we are looking for.” We can help each other in any way that we can, and you can be financially rewarded for your efforts.
If you are the entrepreneurial type, we would be interested in talking to you about how we could best help each other and America as we move through this housing crisis.
We have opportunities available and may be willing to co-create the ideal opportunity specialized for you, your unique position, resources, gifts, and talents.
Contact Sing Core for more information.