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Revolutionizing Interior Doors for Modern Homes


In the realm of interior design, the demand for sleek, functional, and aesthetically pleasing doors has seen a significant rise. Traditional door materials like wood or metal often come with limitations in terms of weight, durability, and design options. Enter Sing Core, a groundbreaking material that has transformed the concept of interior doors for houses. In this article, we will explore the advantages and applications of Sing Core in creating versatile and innovative interior doors.



Unleashing the Potential of Sing Core

Sing Core is a lightweight, high-strength material consisting of a patented honeycomb core. This innovative design allows the doors to be stronger, lighter, and more durable than their conventional counterparts. Made from a combination of wood veneers and composite materials, Sing Core doors possess remarkable dimensional stability and resistance to warping or twisting. This unique composition provides a solid foundation for creating a wide range of interior door designs, ensuring both functionality and style.

Enhanced Durability and Longevity

One of the standout features of Sing Core is its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. Despite being lightweight, these doors can withstand heavy impact, reducing the risk of damage from everyday use. This attribute is particularly important in busy households or commercial settings, where doors are subject to constant opening, closing, and potential accidental collisions. With Sing Core doors, homeowners can enjoy long-lasting, low-maintenance solutions that retain their beauty and structural integrity for years to come.

Unmatched Versatility

Sing Core provides endless possibilities for interior door designs. Its compatibility with various finishes, such as paint, wood, metal, and more, allows homeowners to match their doors seamlessly with their interior decor. Whether one prefers a minimalist, contemporary look or a classic, traditional aesthetic, Sing Core doors can be customized to meet any style requirement. Furthermore, the material’s compatibility with different hardware options, such as handles, locks, and hinges, ensures a perfect fit and smooth operation.

Acoustic and Thermal Performance

In addition to its structural benefits, Sing Core excels in providing superior acoustic and thermal insulation. The insulated honeycomb core effectively dampens sound transmission, making Sing Core doors an excellent choice for bedrooms, offices, or any space where privacy and noise reduction are paramount. Furthermore, the insulation properties of Sing Core help maintain a comfortable indoor environment by minimizing heat transfer, ultimately contributing to energy efficiency.

Environmentally Conscious Choice

Sing Core’s commitment to sustainability sets it apart from other door materials. The manufacturing process incorporates eco-friendly practices, utilizing sustainable materials and reducing waste. Additionally, the lightweight nature of Sing Core doors reduces transportation costs and energy consumption during installation. By choosing Sing Core doors, homeowners can contribute to a greener future without compromising on quality or design.


Innovations in interior design continue to shape the way we perceive and interact with our living spaces. Sing Core stands as a prime example, revolutionizing the concept of interior doors for houses. With its unparalleled strength, versatility, durability, and eco-friendly features, Sing Core has become the go-to choice for designers and homeowners seeking top-quality doors that seamlessly blend functionality and style. Whether for residential or commercial projects, Sing Core’s remarkable characteristics ensure that interior doors become a focal point, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of any space.

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Creating Exquisite Grand Entrances with Sing Core

The grand entrance to a building serves as a powerful statement, captivating visitors and setting the tone for their experience within. Architects continuously seek innovative materials and designs to achieve awe-inspiring entrances that leave a lasting impression. One material that is favored for its versatility and effectiveness is Sing Core. In this article, we will explore how architects can harness the remarkable qualities of Sing Core to create the best grand entrances imaginable.

Unparalleled Strength and Lightweight Construction

Sing Core is a revolutionary composite material known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. Combining a lightweight honeycomb structure with sturdy torsion box technology, it provides architects with an incredible opportunity to design grand entrances that are both robust and visually striking. The material’s high strength ensures longevity, making it ideal for enduring heavy foot traffic while maintaining its structural integrity.

Versatile Design Options

Architects strive to push boundaries and create unique spaces that leave a lasting impression. Sing Core offers immense design flexibility, allowing architects to realize their creative visions. Sing Core panels can be made to nearly any dimensions or specifications, enabling the creation of intricate and innovative entrance designs. From curved and flowing structures to bold and angular compositions, Sing Core empowers architects to explore limitless design possibilities.

Large Panels and Seamless Integration

Grand entrances often demand expansive paneling to create a dramatic impact. Sing Core excels in this aspect by enabling the production of massive panels that integrate seamlessly. This not only enhances the visual appeal of the entrance but also ensures a smoother installation process. The ability to craft large doors with a single or few panels allows architects and designers to push the boundaries of what was once thought impossible.

Acoustic and Thermal Insulation

Beyond its structural qualities, Sing Core also provides excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties. This makes it an ideal choice for grand entrances in buildings where noise reduction and energy efficiency are paramount. The material’s sound-dampening capabilities ensure a tranquil environment, shielding visitors from exterior disturbances. Additionally, its thermal insulation properties contribute to maintaining a comfortable interior temperature, reducing energy consumption and enhancing sustainability.

Durability and Low Maintenance

Architects aim for designs that stand the test of time, requiring minimal maintenance. Sing Core’s inherent durability makes it an excellent choice for grand entrances in high-traffic areas. The material is resistant to warping, cracking, and other forms of wear and tear, ensuring that the entrance retains its elegance and functionality for years to come. Furthermore, its low maintenance requirements alleviate the burden on building owners, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run. Lastly, Sing Core panels all come with a 50 Year Warp-Free and Structural Guarantee, so you and your client can rest assured that your beautiful creation will never fail on you.


Creating breathtaking grand entrances is a hallmark of architectural excellence, and Sing Core empowers architects to bring their visionary designs to life. With its remarkable strength, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, Sing Core offers unparalleled opportunities for architects to create awe-inspiring entrances that leave a lasting impression on visitors. As this revolutionary material continues to evolve, architects can embrace its qualities to redefine the possibilities of grand entrance design, setting new standards for architectural marvels in the modern era.

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The Ultimate Choice for Large Industrial Doors

When it comes to large industrial doors, choosing the right material is crucial for architects and construction professionals. These doors must withstand heavy usage, harsh environments, and demanding performance requirements. Sing Core has emerged as the best choice for large industrial doors, offering unmatched strength, durability, and a range of benefits that set it apart from other options in the market. In this article, we will explore why Sing Core stands out as the ultimate choice for architects and construction professionals when it comes to large industrial doors.

Unparalleled Strength and Durability

Sing Core’s superiority lies in its exceptional strength and durability. Large industrial doors constructed with Sing Core are designed to withstand the toughest conditions, maintaining their structural integrity over time. The honeycomb core is made with high grade hardwood and insulation, creating a solid foundation that can withstand immense pressure and resist warping. This remarkable strength ensures that the doors remain robust and reliable even in the face of heavy use and challenging environments.

Lightweight Design, Enhanced Efficiency

Despite their outstanding strength, Sing Core doors are surprisingly lightweight. This advantage revolutionizes the installation process, reducing strain on door hardware and making handling and transportation significantly easier. Furthermore, a lighter door is easier to use once installed, especially in the case of large industrial doors. Massive metal sliding doors can be a pain to open and close, but with Sing Core, the door would still be easy and smooth to operate.

Unmatched Insulation Properties

Energy efficiency is a top priority for industrial and commercial applications, and Sing Core excels in this aspect. These doors incorporate exceptional insulation properties, reducing heat transfer and improving energy efficiency. The honeycomb core within Sing Core doors acts as a powerful insulator, maintaining stable interior temperatures and minimizing heat loss or gain. This insulation prowess ensures optimal energy efficiency in industrial spaces, reducing reliance on climate control systems and lowering energy costs in the long run.

Customization for Optimal Design

Every architectural project is unique, demanding doors that fit specific design requirements. Sing Core understands this need and offers extensive customization options. Architects and construction professionals can tailor the size, shape, and finish of the doors to match their vision precisely. This level of customization ensures seamless integration of the doors into the overall design aesthetic, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of the industrial space. Sing Core’s commitment to customization allows professionals to achieve their design goals while maintaining the exceptional quality and performance the brand is known for.

Versatility and Adaptability

Sing Core’s versatility extends beyond large industrial doors. The innovative core technology can be applied to various architectural elements, including partitions, wall panels, ceilings, and more. This adaptability allows designers to create cohesive and visually appealing spaces with consistent quality throughout. By utilizing Sing Core for multiple applications, professionals can streamline the sourcing process and maintain design consistency across projects, further enhancing efficiency and ensuring an excellent end result.


When it comes to large industrial doors, Sing Core reigns supreme as the ultimate choice for architects and construction professionals. With its unparalleled strength, durability, lightweight design, energy efficiency, customization options, and versatility, Sing Core offers a comprehensive solution that outperforms conventional alternatives. By selecting Sing Core for large industrial doors, professionals can ensure optimal performance, longevity, and aesthetic appeal for industrial spaces. Sing Core’s commitment to innovation and excellence solidifies its position as the top choice for architects and construction professionals seeking to deliver outstanding results in large industrial door construction.

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Unleashing Architectural Excellence

Architecture has always been a harmonious blend of aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. The quest to create beautiful yet durable structures has led to numerous advancements in materials and techniques. One such revolutionary innovation is Sing Core, a game-changing material that architects can leverage to achieve both stunning visual outcomes and unmatched strength in their designs. This article explores how architects can incorporate Sing Core into their projects, unlocking a world of possibilities for a truly exceptional end result.

The Sing Core Advantage

Sing Core is a lightweight, high-performance material renowned for its unique qualities. It consists of a patented honeycomb core reinforced with torsion box technology. This design creates a remarkable balance between weight reduction and increased strength, making it an ideal choice for architects seeking to achieve both beauty and durability in their structures.

Expanding Design Possibilities

One of the key benefits of Sing Core is its versatility, enabling architects to unleash their creativity without compromising structural integrity. Its lightweight nature allows for intricate and daring designs that would otherwise be challenging to realize. From soaring arches and immense structures to intricate facades and innovative shapes, architects can push the boundaries of traditional design while ensuring stability and longevity.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Sing Core’s insulating properties contribute to increased energy efficiency in buildings. The honeycomb core acts as a natural thermal barrier, minimizing heat transfer and reducing reliance on heating and cooling systems. Architects can leverage this feature to design environmentally sustainable structures that optimize energy consumption and promote a greener future.

Durability and Longevity

Sing Core’s exceptional strength and resistance to warping make it a durable and long-lasting material. Structures incorporating Sing Core can withstand the test of time, requiring minimal maintenance and offering a high degree of longevity. In addition, all Sing Core panels come with the industry’s only 50 Year Warp-Free and Structural Guarantee, so architects can have confidence in the integrity of their designs, ensuring that their vision endures for generations to come.


In an era where sustainability is a critical consideration, Sing Core stands out as an eco-friendly choice. The material is composed of renewable resources and made in our no-burn factory, minimizing its carbon footprint. Additionally, the lightweight nature of Sing Core reduces transportation costs and fuel consumption during construction, further contributing to environmental preservation.


The convergence of aesthetics and structural integrity is the hallmark of exceptional architecture. With Sing Core, architects have a powerful tool at their disposal to achieve both beauty and strength in their designs. By leveraging its unique properties, architects can unlock a realm of possibilities, pushing the boundaries of traditional construction while ensuring stability, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Sing Core empowers architects to create iconic structures that stand as testaments to their vision, inspiring and captivating all who encounter them.

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Sing Core in the Summer: How Does Sing Core Hold Up to the Heat?

Summer is a season that brings fun and adventure, as well as extreme weather and heat. While many people are out basking in the sun, few rarely consider the effect that it has on their home. The intense heat and increased sun exposure can be a nightmare for structures, particularly doors. Increased heat can cause doors to warp and increased sun exposure leads to peeling and separation of layers.

With a Sing Core door, however, these worries become a thing of the past. Unlike the other options, Sing Core doors will never warp, bend, or become otherwise deformed. Temperature and moisture fluctuations are often what causes this warping, but due to our patented honeycomb core, all Sing Core panels are completely safe from warping. In addition, other doors may peel or delaminate in the heat due to poor quality adhesives used during their application. Sing Core uses high grade industrial adhesives for our panels, so you can be certain our doors will not start to separate in the heat.

It is also important to consider the heat inside your house, not just outside of it. Climate control is an important aspect to comfort and, in some areas, safety. Being able to accurately adjust the temperature inside your home is crucial to healthy and comfortable living. Unfortunately, most doors simply are not made with this in mind. They are either hollow or filled with poor quality materials, meaning they do not properly insulate your home. This means that when you cool your home, a large portion of the cool air will flow outside, wasting energy and lowering the effectiveness of your air conditioning. Proper insulation is essential to a quality climate control system for this reason. The honeycomb core inside every Sing Core panel consists of hardwood and high quality insulation, providing a much more effective barrier for your home and keeping your controlled climate inside and the hot air outside.

Another benefit of Sing Core panels during the summer heat is how easy they are to transport and install due to their lightweight nature. While this may be a more minor, short term benefit, it is still significant in those processes. A Sing Core door weighs a fraction of the other doors on the market, and yet doesn’t sacrifice any strength in order to do so. This makes transportation less costly and easier, and installing can be done far less difficult and taxing.

Summer is many people’s favorite season, and understandably so. It can quickly become an issue, though, if your home or office isn’t built to handle it. If your client lives in a region where summers get incredibly hot or humid, they are at an even greater risk of door related problems in the heat. Consider using Sing Core for year-round quality doors, and for the only 50 Year Warp-Free and Structural Guarantee on the market. We look forward to hearing from you!

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New Park Opens With 10 Sing Core Doors

Charleston, South Carolina recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for their new park, Carr-Richardson park. The park features a mid-sized structure for community gatherings, and the amazing builders of this project decided to use Sing Core for the doors.

The structure features 10 total Sing Core doors, all of which are beautiful artisan grade sliding doors. 2 doors measure 53 inches by 121 inches, while 8 of them are 79.5 inches by 121 inches, making these overall quite large doors.

To the right is one of the shop drawings used in the concept creation process of these doors.

The park went with Sing Core for a few reasons, one of which being the size of the panels they needed. Traditional panels of this size would be incredibly heavy, and if they weren’t, they would have to sacrifice strength in order to shed some weight. Sing Core panels are both lightweight and strong thanks to the patented honeycomb core used inside.

The doors can be seen all around the building, mainly near the numerous glass windows it has. These doors are attached to rollers above the windows, and intended to slide over and cover them when needed. This could be handy for protecting the windows from severe weather, potential break ins and vandalization, and more.

Sing Core panels are also a great choice for this feature, as their inherent strength and impact resistance allows them to protect the building for many years to come.

The architect that the city consulted for the job was Liollio Architecture and the construction was contracted through Mashburn Construction, both of which are local to South Carolina. Liollio did an amazing job with the designing of this park, and Mashburn’s construction and installation of the doors was incredible. Beautiful end results like this simply aren’t possible without amazing designers and construction professionals.

An article talking about the park was written after its grand opening, which you can read here.

We are thrilled to have been a part of this project, and are tremendously grateful for the business and support of the teams involved in creating this park. Sing Core takes great pride in public projects such as this, as it allows us an opportunity to give to the community and encourage more people-first projects.

If you’re working on designing or constructing a park, building, or other public place, consider using Sing Core for the best doors on the market. You can learn more about the applications of Sing Core in public places here.

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Large Doors by Sing Core

We often mention how amazing Sing Core is for making large, or even massive doors. However, what kind of claim would that be if we couldn’t back it up with proof? In this article we will go over three amazing and massive doors that were made possible by Sing Core, as well as why Sing Core panels are the best, and often the only choice to make large doors possible.

Laserfiche Dual Sliding Doors

The first example of large doors we’ll cover is a set of two sliding doors made for the Laserfiche headquarters in California. The largest of these doors is 102 inches tall by 118 inches wide, or 8.5 feet tall by 9.8 feet wide. The designers and installation crew did an amazing job with these beautiful doors, especially given their unique case of closing off the corner of the room as opposed to a more traditional sliding door setup. You can read more about this project here.

University of Idaho Arena Door

Another recent project that yielded a massive and gorgeous door was this crowd control door for the Idaho Central Arena. This large door measures in at 89.5 inches tall and 120.5 inches wide, or approximately 7.5 feet tall by 10 feet wide. This door acts as both an access point and a traffic control mechanism. When closed, this door simply seals off an area, but by opening it and positioning it as desired, you can divert the massive crowds within the arena onto a new route. Due to its use in a high traffic area, it also needs to be more sturdy and durable than a traditional door, which was made easy with Sing Core. You can read more about this project here.

Giant Pink Door

Though we’ve shown this door off before, it simply can’t be left off of this list. It is a perfect example of a large custom door that simply would not have been possible without Sing Core. This door is 156 inches tall by 36 inches wide, or 13 feet tall by 3 feet wide. In addition to this door’s unique and massive size, it also needed one key feature of Sing Core panels: to be lightweight. This door, unlike most large doors, is mounted on hinges. Typically large doors use rollers or a pivot mechanism, however not this one. As such, it had to be incredibly lightweight for its size, as hinges are far more likely to bend, break, or otherwise develop problems if they are supporting a lot of weight. This door, like all Sing Core doors, is very light compared to traditional options, and yet sacrifices none of the strength.

There are many reasons why you may want to use Sing Core for your large doors, but ultimately what makes our product special is its superior strength, high quality, and low weight. In addition, our panels will never warp or bend, which large doors are especially prone to. Warping is a quick way to permanently ruin a door, but with Sing Core, you can rest easy knowing that it will never happen. In fact, we offer a 50 Year Warp-Free Guarantee as a testament to that fact.

Use Sing Core for your large custom doors, and witness the difference and ease as a result!

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Create Exceptional Public Projects with Sing Core

When it comes to constructing public places, such as government buildings, shopping centers, museums, and more, builders face the challenge of creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable, safe, and sustainable. In this aspect, Sing Core has emerged as a game-changer in the construction industry. This article explores the compelling reasons why builders should consider using Sing Core for public places for its unique characteristics and the benefits it offers.

Unmatched Strength and Lightweight Construction

One of the key advantages of Sing Core is its remarkable strength-to-weight ratio. Sing Core panels consist of a honeycomb core and high grade hardwood, resulting in a lightweight yet structurally robust material. This exceptional combination allows builders to create large doors, walls, and more with ease, reducing the overall weight of the structure without compromising its strength or stability. The lightweight nature of Sing Core also simplifies transportation and installation, saving time and costs during the construction process.

Enhanced Durability and Longevity

Public places are subject to heavy foot traffic and various environmental factors that can cause wear and tear over time. The construction of Sing Core panels significantly enhances the durability and longevity of structures, ensuring they withstand the test of time. The panel’s resilient composition resists warping, twisting, and cracking, providing unparalleled stability and reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements. In addition. Sing Core panels all come with a 50 Year Warp-Free and Structural Guarantee. With Sing Core, builders can construct public places that can serve generations to come, minimizing maintenance costs and disruptions.

Improved Soundproofing and Insulation

Public places often require effective soundproofing and insulation to create comfortable environments for visitors. Sing Core’s advanced design delivers excellent acoustic properties, reducing noise transmission between spaces and creating serene atmospheres. Additionally, the honeycomb core’s insulating properties contribute to energy efficiency by minimizing heat transfer and reducing the reliance on heating and cooling systems. Using Sing Core in public places not only enhances occupant comfort but also promotes sustainability by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Customization and Design Flexibility

Sing Core panels can be customized to suit any architectural design or aesthetic requirement. The material is compatible with various finishes, such as wood veneers, laminates, or metal, offering endless possibilities for creative expression. Builders can achieve sleek, modern appearances or replicate traditional finishes, ensuring public places seamlessly integrate with their surroundings. Moreover, Sing Core’s versatility allows for the creation of uniquely shaped panels of all sizes, enabling architects and builders to realize their most ambitious designs and turn public places into architectural landmarks.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Solution

In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, sustainability has become a crucial aspect of construction projects. Sing Core meets this demand by utilizing sustainable and renewable materials in its production, as well as operating a no-burn factory. Additionally, Sing Core’s lightweight construction reduces the energy required for transportation and installation. By choosing Sing Core for public places, builders can contribute to a greener future by reducing the ecological impact of their projects.


When it comes to building public places, Sing Core represents a groundbreaking solution that combines strength, durability, customization options, and sustainability. Its lightweight yet robust construction allows for the creation of exceptional architectural designs while providing long-lasting structures that can withstand heavy use. By incorporating Sing Core into their projects, builders can create public places that not only captivate and inspire visitors but also leave a lasting positive impact on the environment. Sing Core truly paves the way for a future where public spaces are safer, more durable, and more sustainable than ever before.

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Sing Core for Offices

When designing, building, or updating an office, there are many factors to consider in order to get the best result. Doors are often overlooked in office settings, despite them being a major part of creating a functional, welcoming, and visually appealing office space. If you want to make the best office you can, you’ll want to use Sing Core for the doors.

Why “Standard” Doors Don’t Work

If all you’re looking for is a door that will simply open and close, then any old option will work. However, if you’re looking for something that will reduce sound, improve the energy efficiency of your building, withstand high traffic, and provide adequate security for your office, you may find the traditional door options lacking. Most doors today don’t perform well on any of the listed features, and many are made hollow, which does nothing for sound reduction or insulation and energy efficiency, and they certainly aren’t secure. Other options include solid wood or metal doors, which may be great for security and aesthetic purposes, but they severely underperform on the insulating, sound, and ease of use properties. There is one door, though, that delivers on all of these and more, and that is Sing Core.

What Makes Sing Core Different?

Sing Core is made with our patented honeycomb core and pressed between two layers of high quality hardwood. This alone greatly improves the sound reduction, energy efficiency, and ease of use. Our honeycomb core is made of wood torsion boxes and high grade insulation foam, meaning it will muffle sound waves and improve your insulation. This also keeps our doors incredibly lightweight without having to sacrifice on strength.

Despite having a composite core, our panels are pound for pound stronger than steel due to the intricately crafted design. This also ensures our panels never warp, which can’t be said for most of the other doors on the market. A warped door is a ruined door, as it hinders it both visually and functionally. Sing Core doors come with a 50 Year Warp and Fail Free Guarantee, so you know your door will continue to look and work great for many years to come.

Another great feature of Sing Core doors is their security features. Our standard doors are strong, and while it would take an intruder quite some time to break through one, we decided to not even risk it in the first place. Our Sing Core Security Door features thick steel beams that run throughout the door, reinforcing it and further securing what is on the other side.

There are even more features that make Sing Core doors great, such as optional skins, customizable dimensions, and much more.


Sing Core enhances office spaces tremendously, both through superior function and amazing visual appearance. If you’re working on improving or designing an office space, consider using Sing Core for your interior, exterior, and specialty doors.